Media Questionnaire Feedback

Personally, I thought the questionnaire was incredibly helpful.
It helped me to decide what age audience I wanted to reach out to. I decided to branch out to the whole school because there's a much wider range of topics I could include in the magazine as opposed to 6th form magazines that only talk about what 6th formers want to do.
From the 19 out of 20 questionnaires I got back, I found out how many people actually do rate the mast head and the picture. This told me that the mast head and the picture are actually really important to work on in the magazine.
By asking a range of different aged pupils in the school I managed to get an idea of what the magazine would include. People seemed to like the idea of an Anonymous Help page, and advice pages for exams and injections. As I was finding it difficult to think of what the magazine should consist of in the first place, this helped me out a lot.
I also asked the question "Do you find reviews and interviews from students/teachers helpful?" A majority of the pupils replied "Yes", which helps because an interview and/or review are other things to include in the magazine.
In conclusion, a questionnaire is one of the first things you should think about when designing something like a magazine, because it's very helpful in giving you ideas and tips.


  • There were some questions that didn't really help, for example, the question about a colour scheme. Most of the answers were biased depending upon the gender.
  • I should have been fair about gender and given out questionnaires to more boys because most of the questionnaires are from girls.
  • I should have distributed the questionnaires evenly amongst the different year groups to get a bigger picture of what pupils would like to see in a school magazine.