Media Questionnaire!

Media Questionnaire

I created this questionnaire in order to help me with my media coursework. Remember there is no wrong answer, I would like to know your opinion! You don’t have to put your name on it, if you like you can leave it anonymous.

  1. What year are you in? ____________________
  2. Are you:
□ Male? □ Female?
  1. What 3 school subjects are you into?

  2. What type of magazine do you like?

  3. What feature of a magazine grabs your eye the most? (e.g. the title, the main picture, etc.)

  1. What would you like to see in a school magazine? (e.g. An anonymous help page, ‘advice on school’ work page, etc.)

  2. If a school magazine were to do a prize give away, what sort of prizes would you like to win? (Within reason)

  1. Suggest a main story you think would be suitable for the school magazine (e.g. What there is to do outside of school, how school sports teams are getting along, etc.):

  2. What 3 colours do you suggest could be suitable for a school magazine?

  1. Is there any additional information about the school you feel would be important to put in a school magazine? (e.g. School clubs, school outings, etc.)

  2. Do you find reviews and interviews from students/teachers helpful?

                                        □ Yes            □ No

    Thank you for taking your time to fill out this questionnaire, it is very much appreciated! When finished, please return to Lauren Guest (Form S11, Room 702) by
    break time on Monday 19th September.