Deciding the name of the school magazine

I narrowed some ideas down to 3 ideas. These are my considerations and why I picked them:

"The Grape Vine." This name was inspired by the song "Heard It Through The Grape Vine" by Marvin Gaye (originally by Smokey Robinson & the Miracles). There's also a saying "I heard it through the grape vine" which I thought people would start saying if they read the magazine, for example, "Do you know how to win a school meal?" "Yes, I read it in The Grape Vine". It would have even given me an easy choice to choose a colour scheme because the usual colours of grapes are green and purple, then I could have added some blue as it's the school colour. However, I was convinced it sounded a bit too cheesy for a school magazine, and people might not have hear the song/phrase and wouldn't have made the connection.

"The Writer." This title was also inspired by a song, Ellie Goulding's "The Writer". This title, I feel, personifies the magazine as if it has written itself. In comparison, I was sure that people would be more familiar and make the connection with the song than "The Grape Vine". I felt it appropriate because magazines mostly consist of writing, and by asking the pupils what they'd like to see in a magazine, they'd be the writer themselves. I've decided to save this as a consideration for my music magazine.

The one I chose:
"School Mate". I thought this very appropriate for school as it had "school" in the title. The word "mate" is informal and modern which I believed would reach out to the pupils in school. I also made the connection between a human being and a magazine; You and your friends tell each other news/gossip, as do magazines. It's a simple title, that doesn't sound too cheesy and is appropriate for school, and that's why I chose it above the other considerations.