Learning and Progress

I think I'm doing well so far as updating blogger. I find blogging relatively easy. However, I need to start looking in to doing slide shows.
19/10/11 - Uploaded my first slideshow/Prezi today! Yay!

Magazine Cover Analysis
I enjoyed completing the magazine cover analysis. It helped me to get an insight into what a magazine cover consists of and what grabs the readers eye, etc.

I found that creating, giving out and receiving completed questionnaires was incredibly helpful. It allowed me to gain ideas about what pupils would like to see in a magazine which would help me to create a high rating magazine.

Flat Plan
The flat plan enabled me to gather all my ideas together and put them onto paper, which was helpful when it came to creating my final cover. It meant I could evaluate and change my ideas if I wanted to.

While doing  my flat plan and looking through the completed questionnaires, I knew what audience I wanted to branch out to and what type of picture I should use. By doing practice shots with Charlotte, I knew the sort of background I wanted. When shooting the actual picture, I tried 3 different ones then chose the one I felt was the best. Editing the photo was a challenge. I couldn't get the hang of Fireworks so I used www.picnik.com instead. It's very hard to edit photos when you don't have a steady hand. However, I got there in the end.

My School Magazine Cover & Contents
I'm really proud of my school magazine cover and contents. I feel like I've done my best at it. If I were to change anything, I would do a better job at taking the photos.

I've nearly finished my music magazine presentation, I need to complete the analysis of my the contents page and double page spread, with a few advertisement analysis. I also feel I've done really well with my Prezi, I enjoyed making it too, although it was a little confusing and difficult at times. At the end of the day, I've learnt how to use Prezi :)

Evaluation - 04/11/2011
What I learnt doing my Prezi:

  • I learnt how to use Prezi, it was hard at first but I got the hang of it.
  • I understood what aspects you need to look at when analysing the front cover and contents page, such as the colour, the layout, the text.
  • I also learnt that it's effective when you link the front cover and the contents to the rest of the magazine.
  • I learnt that the main image has lots of reasons why it links to the main article, like the colours they were wearing could be linked to the story.
Surveymonkey.com - 08/11/2011
Today I learnt about a new site called "surveymonkey.com" where you can create surveys and have the answers calculated for you. I have taken to this website because it is quick, simple and easy. It's also good for the environment instead of handing out paper questionnaires and saves me time from collecting all the results myself. I'm now just waiting for people to fill it out.

I've decided to make a "Part 2" to my survey because I want to know more about my audience.

Since advertising the survey, I got enough answers to be able to decide which genre I'm going to do and who to aim it at. I had a change of heart at one point, thinking I would do a chart music magazine however I decided against it because chart music covers a lot of different genres. I chose to do a pop music magazine aimed at teenage girls because as I am a teenage girl who likes pop music, I will hopefully do the magazine justice and include everything I need to. At the minute I'm finding it hard to decide who to take a picture of for my main story. I know that I'm going to do an interview for my double page spread but not who to interview.

Photos! 04/12/11
Today I took a lot of photos for my magazine cover, contents page and double page spread. By taking pictures of my friend Jade, I realised what I was going to do with my magazine; I realised what colours I wanted to use and gained more ideas on what my double page spread could look like. After taking the photos I edited them on picnik.com. I didn't edit them enough so they looked fake, but enough to bring out the colour and make Jade stand out.

Evaluation 18/01/2012
After finally finishing my music magazine, I've started on the evaluation. The first thing I have done on my evaluation is to organise how I am going to present each question. Here it is:
For Question 1 I will make a VCASMO.
For Question 2 I will make a Prezi.
For Question 3 I will maybe make an Animoto.
For Question 4 I will make a video of someone who is included in my audience.
For Question 5 I will I will make a VCASMO.
For Question 6 I will try and make a bubbl.us mindmap.
For Question 7 I will again use VCASMO.